south korea

Breaches Vulnerabilities

APT37 using South Korea stampede themed lure to exploit new IE zero-day flaw

Microsoft patched flaw after Google TAG researchers reported it to the company in October. Microsoft has patched a zero-day vulnerability in Internet Explorer’s Jscript engine after researchers from Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) informed the company about seeing North Korea’s APT37 group using it in attacks against South Korean targets. The zero-day flaw (CVE-2022-41128) stems […]

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Breaches Enterprise Vulnerabilities

Microsoft looking into reports of a third Exchange Server zero-day?

Security vendor that discovered bug recommends organizations limit IIS app operating privileges on Exchange Server [297 words] What: Microsoft apparently is looking into a report it received from South Korean cybersecurity vendor AhnLab about yet another Exchange Server zero-day vulnerability. To be clear, the vulnerability it is reportedly looking into now is different from the […]

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